November 2020 with CPMI
January 8, 2021The 62nd annual meeting of the American Physical Society-Division of Plasma Physics (APS-DPP) was celebrated remotely, adapted due to the COVID circumstances. These two symposia closed the cycle of scientific events in the 2019 year for CPMI people. Several contributions were presented by the Fusion side of the laboratory. The tutorial invited talk given by Professor Ruzic, titled “Lithium, a way to make fusion energy affordable”, reviewed the basics of energy confinement and fusion performance and how flowing liquid lithium diverters can improve them to make smaller size reactors feasible, also emphasizing in the technologies necessary for the proposed liquid metal solution. The other talk given by D. O’Dea presented the analyses of heat handling capabilities of LiMIT during the EAST experiments. In the simulations, values up to 4.5 MW/m2 were in agreement with the experimental data, also showing improvements in wetting and robustness of the PFC when compared to the previous experiments with FLiLi flat plates. Further analyses to be performed in the higher power discharges with more intense NBI heating are expected to enhance those heat fluxes. Finally, results from the projects with General Fusion and Tokamak Energy companies were presented in two different posters where the divertor plate and liquid lithium loop design for ST40 as well as the studies of the dynamic corrosion for GF were approached.

External elements* of the loop being designed for the testing of the LiMIT divertor module in ST40 Tokamak