LAPCAP – Laser Assisted Plasma Coating at Atmospheric Pressure
April 17, 2009The basic principle of Laser Assisted Plasma Coating at Atmospheric Pressure (LAPCAP) is to utilize a pulsed ND:YAG laser (t= 5~10 ns, with the intensity of 10^10~10^11 W/cm^2) to knock the atomic particles from the target and feed into the inductively coupled low temperature RF or microwave atmopheric plasma to further increase the efficiency of the deposition process through charged plasma particles such as ions and electrons. Further ,the low-temperature plasma has an advantage of acting as a heating source for the substrate to be coated to have improved coating. This system will allow a high quality, non-porous and uniform coatings on variety of substrates.

High Temperature Plasma (~1,000°C) Assisted Laser Ablation YSZ is rotating at 2 rpm

Low Temperature Plasma Deposition (~100°C) High Temperature Plasma Deposition (1,000°C)