Plasma-Materials Interactions During RF Experiments in Tokamaks
December 1, 1984J. Nucl. Mater., 128-129, 280-291 (1984).
Cohen, S., Bernabei, S., Budny, R., Chu, T. K., Colestock, P., Hinnov, E., Hooke, W., Hosea, J., Hwang, D., Jobes, F., Manos, D., Motley, R., Ruzic, D. N., Stevens, J., Stratton, B., Suckewer, S., Von Goeler, S., Wilson, R.
Plasma-materials interactions studied in recent ICRF heating and lower hybrid current drive experiments are reviewed. The microscopic processes responsible for impurity generation are discussed. In ICRF experiments, improvements in machine operation and in antenna and feedthrough design have allowed efficient plasma heating at RF powers up to 3 MW. No significant loss of energy from the plasma core due to impurity radiation occurs. Lower hybrid current drive results in the generation and maintenance of hundreds of kiloamperes of plasma current carried by suprathermal electrons. The loss of these electrons and their role in impurity generation are assessed. Methods to avoid this problem are evaluated.